
1. PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0146; Novel nanostructured polymeric composite designed for pallet lining, connecting plate and other components for the railway industry; Role: Researcher/ Responsible of UPB; Period of implementation: 2016-2018;
2. PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0156; Harnessing recycled thermoplastic polymers by reinforcement with functionalized natural fibers to obtain new added-value products; Rol: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2016-2018;
3. PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2016-0177; Composite hydrogels based on inorganic nanoparticles and collagen with prolonged antimicrobial activity designed for the infection prevention of wound; Role: Researcher/ Responsible of UPB; Period of implementation: 2016-2018;
4. Era Net Rus Plus project, „Titanium Oxynitride Coatings for the Improvement of Biocompatibility and Long-Term Functionality of Cardiovascular Stents: Development of Novel Deposition Technology- TIOXTECH-BIO”; Role: Researcher/ Responsible of UPB; Period of implementation: 2015-2016;
5. MANUNET ERA-NET Project; “Multiphase elasto-plastic architectures dynamically vulcanized and reinforced with nanoparticles for specific products used in food and pharmaceutical industries – ARHNANOTPV” Role: Researcher/ Responsible of UPB; Period of implementation: 2015-2016;
6. PNCDI II – Partnership: Ligaments reconstruction by using advanced materials based on synthetic and natural polymers / Reconstrucţia ligamentelor utilizand materiale structurate avansate pe baza de polimeri sintetici si naturali; Ctr. Nr. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0891; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2014-2016;
7. PNCDI II – Partnership: Inovative dental products with multiple applications/ Produse inovative de uz dentar cu aplicatii multiple – LavEndo; Ctr. Nr. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-0891; Role Researcher; Period of implementation: 2014-2016;
8. POSSCE-A2-O2.2.1.-2013-1 – Crearea Centrului Naţional de Cercetări Ştiinţifice pentru Siguranţa Alimentară; Nr 1970, Cod SMIS – CSNR 48652; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2014-2016;
9. ADER 8.1.4 – Integrated tracking and control systems of animal and non-animal food to identify potential carcinogenic risk factors in relation to environmental, farm, processing, transport, consumption / Sisteme integrate de trasabilitate şi control ale unor alimente de origine animală şi nonanimală pentru identificarea unor factori de risc potenţial cancerigeni în relaţia mediu, fermă, procesare, transport, consum; Ctr. Nr. 67/ADER 8.1.4; Role Researcher; Period of implementation: 2013-2014;
10. PNCDI II – Partnership: Novel nanostructured prosthetic tubular devices with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties induced by physico-chemical and morphological changes – AntiBioTube; Ctr. Nr.43_094; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2012-2015;
11. PNCDI II – Partnership: Hybrid composite materials with thermoplastic matrices doped with fibres and disperse nano fillings for materials with special purposes – HybridMat; Ctr. Nr.73-168; Role: Project manager 2012-2015;
12. PNCDI II – CAPACITATI (Modulul II) Perspective Studies „NanoProspect”; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2010-2011;
13. PNCDI II– Partnership: The achievement of new biomaterials with collagenic, supramolecular doped structures with piezoelectical, liquid crystals, electrical and magnetical properties used for biotehnology; Ctr. Nr.71_147; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2007 – 2010;
14. PNCDI II – Partnership: Multifunctional nanobiocomposites used as regenerative and drug delivery support–SIMAC; Ctr. Nr.72_198; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2008– 2011;
15. PNCDI II – Project PN II_TD – New inorganic materials based on phosphazene and their applications, Role: Project manager; Period of implementation: 2007 – 2008;
16. PNCDI II – Project PN II_MC – New inorganic materials based on phosphazene and their applications, Role: Project manager; Period of implementation: October 2007 – December 2007;
17. PN II_TD – Phosphazene based new inorganic materials and their applications Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 207-2008
18. PN II_AT – Nanostructured inorganic matrices based on immobilized crown ethers for selective extraction of ion pairs, Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2007-2009.
19. PNCDI II – CNMP / Phenothiazinic hybrids – heterocycles containing nitrogen and sulfur atoms with potential pharmacological effects, Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2006-2008
20. PNCDI II – Parteneriship/CO2 trapping from fossil fuel combustion, Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2006- 2008
21. P-CD CEEX / Combinatorial library for the synthesis of neutral receptors of inorganic anions; from project to potential applications, Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2006- 2008
22. PNCDI I-CERES type PED/Hybrid membranar materials with polyphosphazenic backbone; Role: Researcher; Period of implementation: 2002- 2004.